Product no.: 282

Lineol-Spielzeugsoldaten Sonderheft 1 Bunker & Zubehör Booklet, DIN A4 vormat, 58 pages, should not missing at any collectors library

16.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days


Product no.: 4537
Book Toy Soldier Elastolin Volum 2, Fritz Preibsch, DIN A4, 234 colored pages, sales prices !
60.00 €
55.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 1062

Toy Soldier Elastolin Volum 3, Fritz Preibsch, DIN A5, 234 colored pages, the only reference book for Elastolin


65.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 257
The Lineol Book Volum 2, Timm und Pfefferkorn, 172 pages, multicolor, all figures exept 75 mm
59.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 636

Lisanto Log Cabin

#23 in the Composition Western Figure Book Vol.2, nice completion to Elastolin, Lineol, Bayer etc., many figures available


39.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days