Product no.: 782
Book "German Composition Western Figures and Equipment Volum 1", bilingual german/english |
59.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 83
Book "German Composition Western Figures Volum 2" |
59.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 1479
Book "Composition Western Figures and Equipment Vol. 3" |
59.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 2383
Package Books Composition Western Figures Vol. 1+2+3
150.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 4537
Book Toy Soldier Elastolin Volum 2, Fritz Preibsch, DIN A4, 234 colored pages, sales prices !
60.00 €
55.00 €
Currently unavailable |
Product no.: 1062
Toy Soldier Elastolin Volum 3, Fritz Preibsch, DIN A5, 234 colored pages, the only reference book for Elastolin
65.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 9860
Toy Soldier Lineol Volum 1, Fritz Preibsch, DIN A5, 266 colored pages, more books available |
65.00 €
Currently unavailable |
Product no.: 10117
Toy Soldier Lineol Volum 2, Fritz Preibsch, DIN A4, 176 colored pages, as practical ring binder |
65.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 2749
Toy Soldier Lineol Volum 2, Fritz Preibsch, DIN A5, 176 colored pages, more boos available |
65.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 257
The Lineol Book Volum 2,
Timm und Pfefferkorn, 172 pages, multicolor, all figures exept 75 mm
59.00 €
Currently unavailable |
Product no.: 1165
Book Plastic Figures and Equipment, very good for a overview with many informations |
69.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 555
Book Elastolin Dioramas, should be not missing in any collectors library |
39.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 2745
Book Elastolin Dioramas fom 1913 till 1960, should be not missing in any collectors library
39.00 €
Currently unavailable |
Product no.: 1292
Reprint Elastolin Company Catalogues 1936-1945 unique reference book, should not missing at every library |
50.00 €
Currently unavailable |
Product no.: 4152
Reprint Lineol Company Catalogues 1930-35, softcover, 170 pages, "must have" |
55.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 6665
Reprint ElastolinCompany Catalogues 1931-35,
Fritz W. Preibsch, softcover, 214 pages, "must have"
55.00 €
Currently unavailable |
Product no.: 50
Reprint from the only knowen catolog from the 50's, DIN A 5, 16 pages, new condition, should not missing at any collectors library |
8.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 18460
Movie Poster "Prince Valiant"
copie from the original poster from 1956, 23 inchx 33inch
15.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 30317
Exhibition Poster Nuremberg+ Movie Poster Prince Valiant 1954 (Reprint)+ Exhibition Broshure
35.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 30893
20 colored pages from the Exhibition with Window-Displays with all kind of figures |
5.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 159
5th Revised Edition, Indians,Trapper and Aquipment, 1959-1990, DIN A4, many new pictures, new figures, unpainted blancs etc. |
36.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 4909
GDR-Figures Catalogue Part II,
Schüler, J.R., Animals, Soldiers, Knights, Comercial Figures, 1959-1992, rubber figures, DIN A4
30.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 2704
GDR-Military Toys Catalogue Part I- Figures, Schüler, J.R., composition and rubber figures from differend makers, DIN A4 |
36.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 4122
GDR-Military Toys Catalogue Part II - Vehicles Schüler, J.R., Land, sea and air vehicles made of wood from differend makers, DIN A4 |
38.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 3800
GDR-Military Toys Catalogue Part III - Vehicles Schüler, J.R., Land, sea and air vehicles made of tin and plastic, DIN A4 |
38.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 476
Castle Magazin indispensable reference book that should not missing at any collectors library
14.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 282
Lineol-Spielzeugsoldaten Sonderheft 1 Bunker & Zubehör Booklet, DIN A4 vormat, 58 pages, should not missing at any collectors library |
16.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 6530
J.R.Schüler: Western Buildings & Forts Vol. 1,History and Products from "Sieber & Sohn" and "VEB VERO"
39.50 €
In stock |
Product no.: 61555
J.R.Schüler: Western Buildings & Forts Vol. 2, hard cover, 192 colored pages,, 1967-1983, Buildings, Forts, Ranches
45.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: 6068
J.R.Schüler: Western Buildings & Forts Vol.3,History and Products from "Elastolin" and many outher maker |
69.50 €
In stock |
1 - 30 of 37 results |