Regular Army Figures

Regular Army Figures
Lineol Regular Army Figures

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1 - 30 of 145 results
Product no.: 1913
Lineol Infantery Soldier for Vehicle
99.00 *

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Product no.: 4354
Lineol Soldier for Vehicle
79.00 *

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Product no.: 691
Lineol Soldier with Big Rangefinder
399.00 *

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Product no.: 1977
Lineol Soldier Marching Rifle on Shoulder
59.00 *

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Product no.: 2180
Lineol Soldier from Machine Gun Group
59.00 *

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Product no.: 890
Lineol Soldier for Machine Gun Group
59.00 *

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Product no.: 3551
Lineol Soldier on Horseback with Rifle
69.00 *

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Product no.: 1987
Lineol Soldier on Horseback
79.00 *

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Product no.: 2369
Lineol Soldier at Radio Station
175.00 *

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Product no.: 2258
Lineol Soldier with Machine Gun Marching
29.00 *

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Product no.: 2497
Lineol Attacking Officer #5/81, nice addition to Elastolin, many equipment available
75.00 *

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Product no.: 4107
Lineol Attacking Trumpeter
99.00 *

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Product no.: 781

Lineol Artillery Officer with Scratchpad #5/109/1, lots of equipment was made, also from Hausser

79.00 *

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Product no.: 6948

Lineol Soldier for Wagon

#5/127, many nice equipment available

49.00 *

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Product no.: 2202
Lineol Attacking Officer #5/81, nice addition to Elastolin, many equipment available
59.00 *

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Product no.: 7189

Lineol General von Seegt on Horseback #5/19/1, nice addition to Elastolin, Fröha etc., many equipment available

299.00 *

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Product no.: 792

Lineol Soldier Waiting for Food #5/168, nice completion to Elastolin, Lisanto, Leyla etc., nice equipment available

79.00 *

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Product no.: 683
Lineol Soldier Resting
49.00 *

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Product no.: 677

Lineol Stack of Granade for small field howitzer, #5/109/10, nice addition to Elastolin, Fröha, Leylaetc., many equipment available

99.00 *

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Product no.: 2767
Lineol Soldier Sitting Eating
39.00 *

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Product no.: 3789
Lineol Soldier Sitting Shaving
149.00 *

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Product no.: 1745
Lineol Soldier Laying on the Back
49.00 *

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Product no.: 9742

Göso Soldier for Vehicles

60mm, nice addition to Elastolin, Fröha, Leyla etc., many equipment available

25.00 *

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Product no.: 1092
Lineol Tank Soldier Standing in Attantion #5/208, nice addition to Elastolin, many equipment available
119.00 *

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Product no.: 2797

Göso Soldier for Vehicles

60mm, nice addition to Elastolin, Fröha, Leyla etc., many equipment available

25.00 *

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Product no.: 4262

Göso Soldier for Vehicles

60mm, nice addition to Elastolin, Fröha, Leyla etc., many equipment available

25.00 *

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Product no.: 10565

Göso Soldier for Vehicles

60mm, nice addition to Elastolin, Fröha, Leyla etc., many equipment available

25.00 *

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Product no.: 2422

Lineol Soldier Marching

#5/37T, nice addition to Elastolin, Fröha etc., many equipment available

20.00 *

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Product no.: 3853

Lineol Soldier Marching

#5/37T, nice addition to Elastolin, Fröha etc., many equipment available

15.00 *

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Product no.: 10580

Soldier for Vehicles

70mm, maker unknown, nice addition to Elastolin, Fröha, Leyla etc., many equipment available

20.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Prices incl. VAT, plus insured Shipping 7,- Euro
1 - 30 of 145 results