
Elastolin is Splittet in:Soldiers, Zivil Figures, Animals, Western Figures and Equipment

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1 - 30 of 1351 results
Product no.: 3411
5.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 974
Palm Tree
19.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 53
Small Fir Tree, Winter Look nice completion to Elastolin, Lineol, Lisanto etc. many figures available
15.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 3414
10.00 *

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Product no.: 9198

Elastolin Soldier Marching with Back Pack, #M12, nice completion to Lineol, Vehicles from Marklin good as equipment


30.00 *

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Product no.: 211
Elastolin nativity set
349.00 *

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Product no.: 2975
Palm Tree
19.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 2066

Elastolin Knight Running

#0806, nice completion to Lineol, Durso etc, many castles available

29.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 7943

Elastolin Friderician Flag Bearer

#0/7/51, nice completion to Lineol Durso etc., many equipment available

199.00 *

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Product no.: 493
post war, mint
125.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 9199

Elastolin Soldier Marching with Back Pack, #M12, nice completion to Lineol, Vehicles from Marklin good as equipment


30.00 *

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Product no.: 82
Elastolin Peasant Boy
99.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 4515

Elastolin Knight Fighting

#0804, nice completion to Lineol, Durso etc, many castles available

29.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 7944

Elastolin Frederician Corporal

#0/7/17, nice completion to Lineol Durso etc., many equipment available

139.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 10257

Elastolin Conductor, 1:87,  #00/6602, sice 30mm, trace 00, nice addition to Lineol, Leyla etc, also many equipment available

19.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 67
Armored Car nice new production, many details, was planed by Hausser, but not produced
499.00 *

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Product no.: 9200

Elastolin Soldier Marching with Back Pack, #M12, nice completion to Lineol, Vehicles from Marklin good as equipment


30.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 1483

Elastolin Playing Children

boy with hoop, #6496, much more figures and equipment available

249.00 *

In stock
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Product no.: 8096

Elastolin Knight Running

#0806, nice completion to Lineol, Durso etc, many castles available

29.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 9201

Elastolin Soldier Marching with Back Pack, #M12, nice completion to Lineol, Vehicles from Marklin good as equipment


20.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 2283
Elastolin Composition Fenz Copy
20.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 1829
Lineol Sheeperd in Coat
79.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 5323

Elastolin Knight Defending with Pike

#0/808, nice completion to Lineol, Durso etc, many castles available

19.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 4646
Elastolin Sheeperd
69.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 7632

Elastolin Knight Defending with Pike

#0/808, nice completion to Lineol, Durso etc, many castles available

29.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 6657
Trailer with Cable Reel nice addition to Elastolin, Lineol, Fröha etc., many figures and equipment available
175.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 2598
Elastolin Pine Tree Group Big
59.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 9203

Elastolin Soldier Marching with Back Pack, #M12, nice completion to Lineol, Vehicles from Marklin good as equipment


30.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 36
Elastolin Farm Boy
59.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 9204

Elastolin Soldier Marching with Back Pack, #M12, nice completion to Lineol, Vehicles from Marklin good as equipment


30.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Prices incl. VAT, plus insured Shipping 7,- Euro
1 - 30 of 1351 results

Elastolin Soldiers 65 and 70mm

Elastolin Soldiers 65 and 70mm

Here You will Find:Elastolin Personality Figures, Regular Army Figures, Navy Figures, Soldiers from Different Nations, Figures from III.Reich, Aircraft Figures and Equipment
Civil Figures

Civil Figures

Elastolin Zivil Figures
Train Figures

Train Figures

Elastolin Train Figures


Elastolin Animals, here you will find wild and farm animals and accessories like farms, trees etc.




Elastolin Western, here you will find figures and accessories


Elastolin Equipment


Elastolin Knights