
Elastolin is Splittet in:Soldiers, Zivil Figures, Animals, Western Figures and Equipment

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31 - 60 of 1351 results
Product no.: 4793
Elastolin Soldier for Vehicles
65.00 *

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Product no.: 4906
Elastolin Stockade Fence with Gate
10.00 *

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Product no.: 9204

Elastolin Soldier Marching with Back Pack, #M12, nice completion to Lineol, Vehicles from Marklin good as equipment


30.00 *

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Product no.: 1267
Elastolin Farm Woman with Basket Carried on the Back
169.00 *

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Product no.: 6638
Elastolin Traveller #6604, sice 75mm, trace 1, nice addition to Lineol, Leyla etc, also many equipment available
39.00 *

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Product no.: 17101

Elastolin Explosion WWI 105mm size, nice completion to Lineol ets. many equipment available

49.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 4861
Elastolin Stockade Fence with Gate
10.00 *

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Product no.: 9205

Elastolin Soldier Marching with Back Pack, #M12, nice completion to Lineol, Vehicles from Marklin good as equipment


30.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 6618

Elastolin Man Sitting

#H0/6684, trace H0, much more figures and equipment available

29.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 6640
Elastolin Conductor #6602, sice 75mm, trace 1, nice addition to Lineol, Leyla etc, also many equipment available
29.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 1785
Elastolin Pine Tree Group Small
49.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 9206

Elastolin Soldier Marching with Back Pack, #M12, nice completion to Lineol, Vehicles from Marklin good as equipment


30.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 6525

Elastolin Man Sitting

#H0/6684, trace H0, much more figures and equipment available

29.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 4799

Elastolin Lugage Carrier #6612, sice 75mm, trace 1, nice addition to Lineol, Leyla etc, also many equipment available

29.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 9207

Elastolin Soldier Marching with Back Pack, #M12, nice completion to Lineol, Vehicles from Marklin good as equipment


30.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 13526

Elastolin Lugage Carrier #6612, sice 75mm, trace 1, nice addition to Lineol, Leyla etc, also many equipment available

39.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 4005
Elastolin Pine Tree Group Small
49.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 6135

Elastolin Man Sitting

#H0/6684, trace H0, much more figures and equipment available

29.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 9208

Elastolin Soldier Marching with Back Pack, #M12, nice completion to Lineol, Vehicles from Marklin good as equipment


30.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 13530

Elastolin Newsagent

#6605, size 70 mm, trace 1, much more figures and equipment available

59.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 2886
Elastolin Rock
49.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 6630
Durso Stalin nice addition to Elastolin, Lineol tec., not produced from german manufactories
59.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 1023
Elastolin Shovel
8.00 *

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can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 7274

Elastolin Lugage Carrier #6612, sice 75mm, trace 1, nice addition to Lineol, Leyla etc, also many equipment available

29.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 9209

Elastolin Soldier Marching with Back Pack, #M12, nice completion to Lineol, Vehicles from Marklin good as equipment


30.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 14403

Elastolin Dispatcher #0/6646, sice 75mm, trace 1, nice addition to Lineol, Leyla etc, also many equipment available

39.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 3668

Elastolin Newsagent

#6605, size 70 mm, trace 1, much more figures and equipment available

49.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 5985
Lisanto Bush nice completion to Elastolin, Lineol, Lisanto etc. many figures available
12.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 4010
Elastolin Pine Tree Group
249.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 2799

Elastolin Police Man Blue

70mm, much more figures from all series and nice equipment available

89.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Prices incl. VAT, plus insured Shipping 7,- Euro
31 - 60 of 1351 results

Elastolin Soldiers 65 and 70mm

Elastolin Soldiers 65 and 70mm

Here You will Find:Elastolin Personality Figures, Regular Army Figures, Navy Figures, Soldiers from Different Nations, Figures from III.Reich, Aircraft Figures and Equipment
Civil Figures

Civil Figures

Elastolin Zivil Figures
Train Figures

Train Figures

Elastolin Train Figures


Elastolin Animals, here you will find wild and farm animals and accessories like farms, trees etc.




Elastolin Western, here you will find figures and accessories


Elastolin Equipment


Elastolin Knights