Product no.: 9723

Elastolin Fire Fighter

70mm, 0/6467, much more figures from all series and equipment available

79.00 *

Currently unavailable


Product no.: 2383
Package Books Composition Western Figures Vol. 1+2+3
150.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days

Product no.: 4537
Book Toy Soldier Elastolin Volum 2, Fritz Preibsch, DIN A4, 234 colored pages, sales prices !
60.00 €
55.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 6665
Reprint ElastolinCompany Catalogues 1931-35, Fritz W. Preibsch, softcover, 214 pages, "must have"
55.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 4152

Reprint Lineol Company Catalogues 1930-35, softcover, 170 pages, "must have"

55.00 *

In stock
can be shipped within #7 days