Elastolin Plastic Figures

Elastolin Plastic Figures

Hausser/Elastolin Plastic Figures are splitted in 7cm, 4cm and outher sices

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1 - 30 of 4606 results
Product no.: 7906

6 Airplans for Hausser Game "Flug um die Welt"

complete set of figures


10.00 *

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Product no.: 2624

6 Airplans for Hausser Game "Flug um die Welt"

complete set of figures


10.00 *

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Product no.: 4947
Elastolin Native Figure "Josef"
49.00 *

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Product no.: 2361
Elastolin Air-France Figure
25.00 *

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Product no.: 4950
Friedel Native Figure "King Standing"
59.00 *

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Product no.: 3444
Elastolin Lapplander
39.00 *

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Product no.: 22851
Base for Elastolin Star Fort
299.00 *

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Product no.: 4951
Friedel Native Figure "King Kneeling"
59.00 *

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Product no.: 5148
Elastolin Royal Canadien Mounted Police Rider #6934, nice PV II, nice completion to 70mm Elastolin, Lineol, Tipple-Topple etc.
39.00 *

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Product no.: 4471
Elastolin Royal Canadien Mounted Police Rider #6934, nice PV II, nice completion to 70mm Elastolin, Lineol, Tipple-Topple etc.
39.00 *

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Product no.: 12817

Friedel Sheep

70mm series, 1:24, nice addition to Elastolin, Lineol etc., more figures available

5.00 *

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Product no.: 12820

Friedel Sheep

56mm series, 1:32, nice addition to Elastolin, Lineol etc., more figures available

5.00 *

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Product no.: 15203

Elastolin Norman Running with Spear, #8830-4, early austrian Painting, much more figures available

12.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 337
Elastolin Manager Sheperd with Lamb #6658, 100mm size, mostly produced for Austria and USA
19.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 15235

Elastolin Norman Running with Spear, #8830-4, early austrian Painting, much more figures available

12.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 15146

Elastolin Norman Running with Spear, #8830-4, early austrian Painting, much more figures available

12.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 929

Friedel Sam Hawkins

120mm size, nice addition to Elastolin, Lineol etc., more figures available

40.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 7282
Elastolin Air France Figure createt by Hausser, produced and paintet by Ougen in France
35.00 *

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Product no.: 7284
Elastolin Air France Figure createt by Hausser, produced and paintet by Ougen in France
35.00 *

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Product no.: 668

Friedel Old Firehand

120mm size, nice addition to Elastolin, Lineol etc., more figures available

30.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: 7283
Elastolin Air France Figure createt by Hausser, produced and paintet by Ougen in France
35.00 *

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Product no.: 7285
Elastolin Air France Figure createt by Hausser, produced and paintet by Ougen in France
19.00 *

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Product no.: 6590

Friedel Nscho-tschi

120mm size, nice addition to Elastolin, Lineol etc., more figures available

40.00 *

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Product no.: 1644

Friedel Nscho-tschi

120mm size, nice addition to Elastolin, Lineol etc., more figures available

50.00 *

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Product no.: 2827
Elastolin Farmer's Wife with Pail #3962, PV IIIb, #2 in collectors handbook nice equipment available
15.00 *

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Product no.: 20344

Elastolin Ski

2.00 *

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Product no.: 1674
Elastolin Part for Canon
5.00 *

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Product no.: 6391

Elastolin Landsknechts- Artillery Personal with Bore Swab #9043, PV II b, #3 in collectors handbook, many nice equipment available

29.00 *

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Product no.: 11421

Elastolin Viking Defending with Sword

#8506, nice ragged on  PV IIIa, #10 in collectors handbook

25.00 *

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Product no.: 8012

Elastolin Blanc Indian Stalking, #6824-4, perfect for conversions, diorama builders, much more blancs available

3.00 *

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Prices incl. VAT, plus insured Shipping 7,- Euro
1 - 30 of 4606 results

Elastolin 70mm Figures

Elastolin 70mm Figures

Elastolin 7cm Figures are splittet in:Romans, Huns, Vikings, Normans, Knights, Landsknechts, Turks, Equipment, Farm Figures, Western Figures, Special Figures, Soldiers, American Revolutionary War Figures, Wild Animals and Farm Animals

Elastolin 40mm-Figures

Elastolin 40mm-Figures

Elastolin 4cm Figures are splittet in:Romans, Huns, Vikings, Normans, Knights, Landsknechts, Turks, Equipment, Farm Figures, Western Figures
Outher Sizes

Outher Sizes

Elastolin Figures Outher Sizes